The Fair, which is held in the EES Library, is open from 8am-4pm on Thursday and Friday, with evening hours 6-8pm on Friday. Friday evening includes an ice cream social sponsored by the 5th grade. Proceeds from the book fair go directly to our Essex Elementary Library. 

Students will receive information on when their class is scheduled to visit the Fair. Funds can be loaded easily into an online account called eWALLET so you don’t have to worry about sending in money (although that still works too.) Families are also welcome to come by and shop any time on Thursday or Friday. To those families with younger pre-school siblings --- a visit to the Fair is a great activity for this snow filled winter! 

To sign up for eWallet or to see more detail about the fair, please visit the official 2019 Book Fair website:

To sign up to volunteer, click here: