It takes many hands to pull off our events and enrichment! Please consider volunteering at an upcoming event or contact an event chairperson directly.
Volunteer Opportunities
PTO President (or Co-Presidents!)
Don't be intimidated. With a full board behind you and past presidents to help, this is your chance to grab a friend and take over the PTO! Requires being able to attend 1 meeting per month, check the PTO email account, and be a good communicator with teachers, Dr. Roberts, and the community. Typically is a 2-year term.
Welcome Back Night Chair
The kids’ most favorite night! Simple event that involves ordering pizza, coordinating with local companies offering kids’ activities to come display their wares, and organizing simple lawn games.
One of the biggest fundraisers of the year needs an event chair. This fundraiser is truly in jeopardy and we would hate to see the money raised in the past be lost. It’s truly a fun event that needs a creative and energetic team!
Restaurant Night Out Chair
Assist in organizing this event, be in contact with the restaurant of choice, and recruit families to come!
S.T.E.M. Night Co-Chair
Join Jenna Ware in bringing the exciting annual event S.T.E.M. (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) Night at EES. Event date set for Friday March 29, 2019.
Field Day
This end of the year event needs an Event Chair. Contact the PTO to find out more details.